Our Involvement
Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association is proud to be Good Sports accredited.
A program run by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF), the Good Sports program promotes healthy, family friendly community sporting clubs across Australia who meet a particular set of requirements for each level. Something which we are very proud of.
“Good Sports is an award winning program and has grown into the biggest health initiative in Australian sport, with a network that covers every level of sport – from grass roots to elite. We’re working to tackle key health issues of alcohol, smoking, obesity, and mental health.
“Clubs move through the three levels of the program over 3+ years and Good Sports is there to help every step of the way.” (Good sports website)
Clubs, like us, who are involved in Good Sports reap the rewards of having more participants, spectators, and sponsors, along with a vastly improved environment for children and families.
Our Accreditations
Level 1: Accredited in April 2012
Level 2: Accredited in August 2013
Level 3: Accredited in February 2014, and maintained to present date.
Level 1: Accredited in November 2016
Level 2: (To be completed)
Level 3: (To be completed)
Our Policies for Harm Prevention
Hornets Touch prides itself in providing a safe, fun and family friendly environment, and by being in this program has enabled us to enhance our already thriving junior membership and ensure a positive culture around fun, sportsmanship, alcohol and drugs.
Our Board of Directors have gradually made policy inclusions into our association, to fall in line with the Good Sports program. These include;
- Smoke Free Policy
- Safe Transport Policy
- Alcohol Management Policy
- Functions Management Policy
- and more (available for viewing on our ‘Policies’ page)
These policies, and our Rules of Association, Constitution and Competition Conditions of Entry can be found on our websites ‘Policies’ page for viewing, or by contacting us.
Watch one of the recent Good Sports TV ad campaigns you may have seen:
To see more videos, visit here: https://www.youtube.com/user/AustDrugFoundation
Our Recommendation to local Touch Football clubs
To ensure the continued support and development of touch football clubs within our region, the NSW Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association, as the regional sporting body for touch football recommends;
- All touch football associations within our region become an accredited Good Sports club.
- Actively promote their involvement in the Good Sports program.
- Participate in the Good Sports Healthy Eating program (if the club operates a canteen).
- Participate in the Good Sports Junior program (if the club has in addition to 400 junior members).
- Participate in the Good Sports Tackling the Issue program.
- Seek advice and support from Good Sports staff and to ensure an effective roll-out of the program.
DECLARATION: ‘CLICK HERE’ to view our Good Sports Membership Accreditation.
More Information
To find out more information about the Good Sports program, please visit www.goodsports.com.au